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Por medio de la presente quiero felicitarlo por su primer aniversario y por haber mantenido la misma calidad, tanto del material en sí como de la valiosa información que brinda al hacer conocer los valores históricos, turísticos y culturales de nuestro país. La buena idea de editar una Númerode este tipo, y viniendo de alguien que no es peruano de nacimiento, hace aún más meritoria una sincera felicitación. Le deseo el mejor de los éxitos y estoy seguro que por su calidad y contenido RUMBOS seguirá siendo una Númerode colección para muchos peruanos.
Manuel Canny Castro/Intendente Nacional SUNAT. Lima, Perú
Muchas gracias por sus felicitaciones y esperamos seguir en el rumbo correcto, máxime si se nos exonerara de los impuestos, justamente por ser una publicación cultural.

Peru is a fantastic country and I congratulate you and your staff on your handsome magazine that portrays Peru with the highest quality photographs and articles. Copies have been circulated at our meetings and the members will be mailed information about your generous subscription offer. I feel compelled to respond to your editorial in Rumbos Number 4. As a fellow Englishman I empathise with your frustrations with the "seven deadly sins." At times my best efforts in support of Peru were met with similar reactions. Don´t give up! If you truly have the interests of Peru at heart, which you seem to, you will gain the grudging respect of your dissenters, even if they don´t like you! It may help to remember that some English people have their foibles too, such as that detached English "air of superiority," which occasionally even I have, I am ashamed to say! So feel encouraged Charles, you will feel fed-up... but Peru is great and Rumbos should be proud in doing it justice.
Best regards,
David Mortara/Member,
Anglo-Peruvian Society´s Executive
Committee & former Honorary
Secretary, United Kingdom
Each country´s people has its stereotypes, good and bad. Thank you for your support - balm for a weary head!

Your magazine Rumbos is sensational. Congratulations on a well-done work. Can we interest you in health stories?
Bryna Brennan,Chief, Information
Pan American Health Organisation
Our next issue will feature an article on Villa El Salvador, an urban district where progressive health-related projects are underway. We also hear about PAHO's programs in Latin America. Keep up the good work.

I am a freelance writer, member of the Periodical Writers Association of Canada, the Travel Media Association of Canada and the Ottawa Independent Writers. Please tell me how to get a subscription. I was lent a copy of Rumbos for one night only!
Yours truly,
Bruce Sach, Canada
Thank you for the interest, Bruce. Enjoy this issue´s articles about Huaraz and Piura. Maybe you´ll be tempted to write about Peru for a Canadian audience.

He visto y leído su última revista, me parece muy buena porque promociona al Perú. Las fotos son buenas, pero por qué no organiza Ud.un concurso que nos permita a los aficionados participar en su aventura editorial. Yo sería el primero en participar.
Guillermo Malca/San Luis, Lima
Justamente ha dado Ud. en el clavo, gracias, consideraremos su sugerencia. RUMBOS really welcomes all feedback!

 Año /Número7 , Página 06
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