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Routes and Tips - Cajamarca: Peru's Dairyland

Getting there: Flights to Cajamarca from Lima leave every day. Aerocondor flights last just over an hour.
The bus trip to Cajamarca takes ten hours and is not especially scenic. Tepsa and Atahualpa are the bus companies serving the region, which has a road network of more than 1,000 kilometers. Independent drivers have a number of options, all departing from Lima on the well-paved North Pan American Highway. The most direct requires a turn before Pacasmayo. Less travelled routes include that marked Chiclayo, which leads to Cajamarca via Chota; the route via San Miguel; or from Olmos, the road to Jaén that goes through the jungle.

Situation: The department of Cajamarca covers an area of 746,938 square kilometers. This region enjoys a pleasant, fresh climate, at 2,736 meters above sea level.

Accommodation: Cajamarca is well-supplied with hotels ranging from two to five-star, both in the city and the surrounding countryside. Telephone and fax services are readily available.?

Volume I/Issue 6, Page 28
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